Monday, May 2, 2016


So I have some super exciting news..... I'm going to Thailand this summer for 20 days! God definitely works in amazing ways. Even though I didn't pray about it, he knew that I was jealous of all these people fundraising for mission trips this summer. 
So he provided this amazing opportunity for me. Reatha went up to my mom and asked if I would be interested in going with her team this summer, um yeah!! We'll be providing childcare during two conferences, and I get to be in the baby room!!! 
It's amazing how God works since this trip works perfectly between summer school ending and the fall semester starting. I don't who will be joining me or if I'll be going by myself with the team, but I know I'm super excited and it will be amazing! 
I definitely won't be going on any elephants this time around! 

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