Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What not to say!

I saw this on a website and I just had to share :P

Things NOT to say to someone with a disabling chronic illness:
..but you don't look sick
...everybody gets tired
...you're just having a bad day
...it must be nice not having to go to work(school in my case)
...I wish i had time to take a nap
...if you'd get out more
...you're just getting older
...if you'd get more exercise
...it can't be that bad
...it's all in your head
...you're just depressed
...there are people worse off then you
...you'll just have to tough it out
...you just need a more positive attitude
...this,too, shall pass

All people that have a friend or family member or just know someone with a chronic illness need to read this!
My friends are always like "omg! you're so lucky!! you're never at school, you just get to lay in bed all day!" My response is "I'll trade you -.-"

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