Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little update

Wow, the past few days I have barely gotten much sleep during the night, I've tried taking zzzzquil and melatonin but neither of them have helped, I can never find a comfortable position, I'm in too much pain, I'm super nauseous. I have problems going to sleep and also staying asleep, and then trying again to go back to sleep after that. I'm really hoping this is just a phase and will pass too, I need my sleep to be able to function!

I'm going to have my mom call one of my doctors tomorrow to see if we can do anything to help with the sleep and try something else for my pain, since we still haven't found anything to help with it.

I was really discouraged because for our church Halloween party they played capture the flag and other games I wasn't able to play due to the fact that I'm in a wheelchair most of the time, and I most definitely can not run! So I had someone push me around, didn't get much done, I would have loved to play that game before all of this happened.

Tomorrow I have yoga, I haven't gone since I got my wheelchair, hopefully ill still be able to do most things and won't get really discouraged, since the main reason I go is to help relax, it's a lighter form of yoga but still a challenge to Lymie like me.

My verse(:

This is the verse that keeps me going. I'm hopefully getting this tattooed on my ribs in may for my birthday (:

Happy Halloween :)

It was zombie night at my church :)
The back of my wheelchair ^ (:

Sabrina dressed up as Barbie and went trick or treating with my mommy (:
My costume for zombie night :)
Sister love :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Everyday I remind myself that I can do this! And to stay strong <3 because I can and I will! And when I start doubting it, I just say it again, I CAN DO THIS AND I WILL STAY STRONG!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I'm in the middle of a hurricane, been doing better lately, but the pain is slowly starting to get worse and worse. The antibiotics they have me on for chronic staph make me very nauseous constantly. Still in bed most of the time, but have been able to start getting out more. Hopefully it will continue to go up instead of spiraling down.

Something to remember

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wearing Lyme green for me :)

Got pedicures with my mommy then going to see Pitch perfect! We needed a night out :)

My phone background :)

Amazing friends

Today I was woken up to four of my friends standing there with balloons, roses, and a big gift bag! <3 they had made me a blanket! :) I just wanted to thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much it means to me :) you guys are the best! They said they got my the bloody foot because my legs always hurt! Lol <3

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our sauna :)

We got our sauna! Wooooohoooo! I cannot wait to use it :) I hope or really helps with my treatment :)

My scarf!!

I finished my first scarf from knitting! :) super proud of myself. Now I am starting to make lime green ones for my small group at church! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chronic Lyme disease does exist!

And I am proof! I went to a workout class for people with arthritis and other medical problems, and I was barely able to do any of it :'( people that where 50 years older then me could do thing I couldn't. I also just army crawled through my house and scooted down the stairs so I could take a bath. Fun fun fun.

On a different note, we got our lymes disease awareness stuff! Woohoo! Not in the pictures is a pin that says "I'm proof chronic lymes disease exists" And our sauna is supposed to arrive tomorrow :)

So little means so much

So this morning I woke up to see that I was tagged on a picture on Facebook, when I clicked on it I was so happy and touched I almost cried <3 yes I know I'm emotional, my friend had tagged me in this, and the caption said stay strong girl, love you. Who knew that so little could mean so much, thank you Kayla <3 <3

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Isaiah 66:9

Not so Normal

They past few days have been interesting, I wouldn't say worse then normal, but horrible in a different way. My physical symptoms aren't as bad, I'm still not able to walk for periods of anything close to a normal time period. My emotional symptoms tho... I'll go from feeling completely numb, depressed, wanting to give up, so tired, and just down to being really anxious, not wanting to sit still (even thought I can't do anything else physically) not knowing what to do but freaking out, finally had to take some melatonin and pain meds that I know that put me to sleep so I could get away from that horrible feeling. I know it doesn't last long, but it is a break. Hoping this will pass... Nothing can describe what Lymes does to not only your body but mind.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Watch Under our Skin for free!

highly recommend watching this video! If you are suffering from Lyme disease or even if you think you may have it then this film is a must watch. If you haven’t seen it yet then now is your chance, this movie will open your eyes to Lyme disease and most of the struggles that go with it.

Currently Under Our Skin can be views on Hulu, Netflix and other streaming services but if those are too much of a hassle for you then just visit the link below, click play and enjoy. This film is most likely free for a limited time so watch it while it is available.
Link to Under Our Skin to watch for free:
or click the link below (copy & paste  if it doesn’t work)

My Saturdays

This is what I do every Saturday!! Fill up my pill box ;) I had some friends sleepover last night (first time in forever!) and they were like"wow you have a really interesting life there;p) oooo yes I do! ;) I take around 40 pills a day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Aquarium!! :)

I absolutely love aquariums! They are so relaxing and I love looking at everything :) here are some pics!
^^ Its a turtle butt!! ;) totally made my day when I saw this!
They had different colored fins and fish costumes to try on, and Sabrina went with the pink one! <3
I love turtles so much! I have a pink turtle necklace :)
This was by far the coolest and weirdest animal that I saw all day! It had little arms under the pink part, and then his tail just went on forever! It was so cool (:
This aquarium was definitely not all that wheelchair accessible, I had to swing up the stairs to get to this, but I really wanted a picture with my boo (:  
Nemo lives there!! ;) it was so pretty tho, I wish I could have one of these in my room. I could stare at it all day.
Mommy, Sabrina, and Teme all working together to lift the 60 pound fake snake! woohoo!

Restaurant :)

We went to a pizza place while we were out at our little family vacation, and the table covers were paper that you could color on! So this is what I did :)
Gotta Spread the Word! Hopefully someone will be curious and google it! :)
My Life! ;) sleeping, watching house, and taking baths! and taking lots of medicine, but I thought it might look weird to draw a pill bottle :p

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Check out these videos!

I think everyone should check out these videos for more information on Lymes Disease and what we have to go through. (:
Credit to Gabbi Hicks for both of these videos :)

So true

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Wooooohoooo!!! We just ordered our sauna and is supposed to be here in "7-8 business day"!!! Super dee duper excited :) really hoping it helps with my detox and pain! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What not to say!

I saw this on a website and I just had to share :P

Things NOT to say to someone with a disabling chronic illness:
..but you don't look sick
...everybody gets tired're just having a bad day must be nice not having to go to work(school in my case)
...I wish i had time to take a nap
...if you'd get out more're just getting older
...if you'd get more exercise can't be that bad's all in your head're just depressed
...there are people worse off then you'll just have to tough it out just need a more positive attitude
...this,too, shall pass

All people that have a friend or family member or just know someone with a chronic illness need to read this!
My friends are always like "omg! you're so lucky!! you're never at school, you just get to lay in bed all day!" My response is "I'll trade you -.-"

Lymes Shirts (:

My mom and I ordered some shirts yesterday from and I can wait to get them!! :) 5 more days!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today I woke up with the great idea to start knitting again! So my amazing mommy went to the store and got me some pink and red yarn, I'm currently in the process of making a scarf and wow! Lemme tell you, it's a great distraction!! And keeps me calm and anxiety free. I'm loving it :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Detox Bath

For all of you with lymes and horrible pain, YOU NEED TO TRY THIS!! This seriously gave me the only relief I could find yesterday, tramadol didn't work, Vicodin didn't work. So I tried a detox bath, I read on someone else's blog to use apple cider vinegar with your bath to help with pain. I took a bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts and one cup of apple cider vinegar. I dry brushed my legs before I took the bath because that's where I get most of my pain. It was amazing, like a miracle worker! I didn't get relief until I got out of the bath but WOW was it worth it, I was finally able to take a nap since I wasn't in so much pain. Hope this works for you also!

My wheelchair

Yesterday I made the hard decision that it was time for me to get a wheelchair, so I could be more mobile. Since basically in the past week I've been stuck in bed. We went to get it today and all my worries went away, it's amazing, it's so nice to be able to go out and do things without being in excruciating pain and having to sit down alot, and even that doesn't reduce the pain. One thing that's going to be hard to deal with is the stares, I admit it would probably be odd to see a 16 year old who looks perfectly healthy in a wheelchair without any casts etc. Another very hard thing to deal with is not playing soccer anymore, I used to love it, I had been playing for 11 years, it was one of my favorite things to do, now every Saturday I cry because I can't play in the game. My amazing mom takes me to the games so I can watch, but it's obviously not the same. I'm hoping by indoor soccer season ill be able to play a little bit.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Little About my Family

     Well my mom's name is Diane and she is my rock, you can check her out on her/family blog at She is the one that is always there for me, She doesn't have a job, so she is there on the many days that I stay home from school, laying in bed with me, giving me my food and medicine, and carrying me downstairs when needed. She also has lymes, but very few symptoms. 

    My dad's name is Scott, he is a financial adviser  He loves to hunt, but needs to learn how to stop, since he also has lymes, he got it a while back and did the protocol of two weeks of medicine, we was better for a while but his symptoms slowly started coming back. He sees a LLMD on Tuesday  hoping it goes well. 

   My older brother's name is Jake, he is 20. He used to go to ISU, but now he is back home for a year because he can't decide what he wants to do. He spends most of his time at his job or playing Magic. He also was diagnosed with Lymes, but refuses to believe it or get treated. My mom is convinced he is going to end up like me, but he doesn't believe. Guess we will just have to wait and see. 

    My younger brother's name is Teme (Temesgen), he is 13 years old, and one of my siblings adopted from Ethiopia. He has a prosthetic leg. He was burned when he was younger and never got treated until he got to America, so when he got here, he had to have it amputated. He is still very active. But because he never went to school, he is a little behind, technically he is in 6th grade, but he is at a 1st grade reading level. 

   My little sister's name is Sabrina, she is 5 years old. She is also adopted from Ethiopia. She started Kindergarten this year. She loves dance and gymnastics. She is my boo boo <3 

Homecoming! :)

     This happened last weekend, but I still wanted to share pictures :) It started out fine, with a group of my friends all doing each other's hair and makeup, we then started talking pictures, that's when the pain I was fearing to start up happened again, we went to dinner, and then to the dance for 2 hours, I couldn't take it anymore, I felt horrible, mentally and physically, I had to take my boyfriend home and we had to skip out on the bonfire after the dance.
 Me and my little sister :)
 Me and Dylan :) *My Boyfriend

 Everyone :)
Left to Right: Dylan, me, Krystal, Dakoda, Kelly, Alli, and Garland
 My girl friends :)
left to right: Krystal, Alli, and Kelly :)

 Everyone again :)
Left to Right: Alli, Garland, Krystal, me, Dylan, Dakoda, and Kelly