Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lymie of the week

On Instagram during the month of May I have been doing a "Lymie of the day". So I decided to bring it over to my blog and turn it into Lymie of the week. I will be trying to do this throughout the year!
  Our first Lymie of the week is Taylor! 
"I've been severely sick for three years, since right after I turned 14, but I have probably had Lyme almost my whole life. My daily symptoms can be anything from headaches, migraines, nausea, intestinal pain, extreme fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, insomnia, and more. I had to transfer to online school and completely change my life, diet, and honestly my friends since most of them didn't understand why I couldn't go out all the time.  I was doing medical treatment but had a problem and changed to mainly alternative now. What gets me through the day is that one day I will feel better and when I'm not feeling good, my spoonie sisters are always there to encourage and support me. I know God has me sick for a reason, not just to be sick. This will be used for a bigger purpose and all I can do is persevere, keep my faith, and trust in him to use this to help others. " 

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