Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter weekend

On Friday, Jake arrived in Arizona. It was so nice to have him down here! Friday night we took him to Rehab Burger Therapy. Jake had a PB and J burger, mom had a pulled pork burger, and I had a bacon cheeseburger. 

Saturday morning mom made pancakes. 

Then we went to the Arizona Science Center. It was so much fun! We got to watch a starfish being dissected, watch a Lego competition, lay on a bed of nails, play tug of war, watch heart surgery, and compete in wheelchair races (I won). 

We went out for Chinese and then went back to the apartment for "naps." (Mom and I watched tv and Jake took a three hour nap) During that time we got a flower delivery from my lovely grandparents! (From my mom's side) They are sooooo beautiful and smell amazing :)

Saturday night I got to color eggs! (I still wanted to do them even though we weren't at home) 

Sunday is of course Easter! At nine we watched our home church on the computer for their Easter sermon. We then went to a party that we were invited to by one of the other patients at Envita. It was a long drive (one hour each way) but it was very fun. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

More Treatment Pictures


Here is an "update" in pictures- 
(For more detailed posts about how I'm doing and treatment, you can visit my mom's blog: )

My aunt sent me a build-a-bear bunny! I named her Mrs. Squishy :) 

Treatment has been very very rough on me. Last week on Thursday after treatment I puked on the way home (not fun!) My brain is definitely under attack right now. My anxiety and many other psychological symptoms have been out of control. For a few days I thought my pain was getting better but it seems to have gone back to being bad. 

On the weekends my mom and I always try to get out and do something fun. This picture was taken when we went to go see a movie :) 

This is when we went to the zoo!

The beautiful sunset from one of our night drives. 

One of my pairs of snoozies someone sent me :) I also just wanted to thank everybody that has taken the time to send me a card or package. They always brighten my day! I keep all of them and they are currently under the tv so I can always see them (unfortunately I can't put them on my card wall like at home) I haven't been feeling well enough to send thank you cards back but I just wanted everyone to know that I appreciate them so much!